Dear specialits,
I'm workin on Choir-Parts with Solists. I store the music in single
files (e.g. soprano, alto,...). Each of the voices has Solo-Parts while
the choir is muted. I want to have
1. the choir partes (print only the choir without the solists' parts)
2. a paritura for the whole sung parts and the orchestra (print the soli
and the choir)
I have one single source for the singers (solo and choir) marked with
\tag#'Solo \tag#'CoroS (as alternative for the choir-parts used for the
rests when the solist sings and the choir not) and the \tag#'Coro for
the choir parts.
The idea is as follows:
1. choir parts
\removeWithTag#'Solo (skip the solists)
\keepWithTag#'CoroS (print the rests for the choir while the solits
\keepWithTag#'Coro (print the choir parts)
***SEEMS TO WORK: choir-parts without solists and multi measure restes
2. paritura for all voices (orchestra, solists and choir)
\keepWithTag#'Solo (keep solits
\keepWithTag#'Coro (keep choir = tutti)
\removeWithTag#'CoroS (skip the alternative rests in the solists'
***PROBLEM **** This doesn't print solists' parts, but choir parts
without multi measure rests
I do not see the problem - I tried all combinations. Maybe it's about
formal logic...
Thanks in advance, cheers, Christian
Here's the minimal example - yes, it's really the minimum in order to
simulate the solists' and choir parts with the \tag on the lyrics as well...
\version "2.23.2"
\include ""
#(set-global-staff-size 17)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
\bookpart {
%*** TAGS
\removeWithTag #'Solo
% \keepWithTag #'Solo
\keepWithTag #'Coro
%\removeWithTag #'Coro
%\keepWithTag #'CoroS
\removeWithTag #'CoroS
\new GrandStaff
% *************** CHORSTIMMEN ***************************
\new ChoirStaff
\new Staff = Soprano
\new Voice {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano"
\relative c''{
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\clef "treble"
\key c \major
\time 2/2
\tempo"Allegro vivace"
c4. ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \ff c8 c2
e4. e8 e2
\bar "||"
\time 6/8
\key f \major
\tempo "Andante"
\tag #'Solo {a,8. ^\markup{Solo}
_\markup{p} b16 c8 f,8. g16 a8}
\tag #'CoroS {R1*6/8*2}
\tag #'Coro {R1*6/8*2}
\bar "||"
\tempo "piu moto"
a4. ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f a4 a8
\bar "||"
\time 2/4
\key g \major
\tag #'Coro {R1*2/4*5}
\bar "||"
\time 3/4
\key c \major
\tempo "Adagio"
c4 ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f c4 c4
\bar "|."
Glo -- ri -- a Glo -- ri -- a
% Gratias
\tag #'Solo {Gra -- ti -- as gra --
ti -- as }
Qui tol -- lis
%Quoniam tacet
Cum Sanc -- to
\new Staff = Alto
\new Voice {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto"
\relative c'{
\clef "treble"
\key c \major
\time 2/2
^\markup{\italic{\tiny{[Tutti]}}} \ff g8 g2
g4. g8 g2
\bar "||"
\time 6/8
\key f \major
\tempo "Andante"
\tag #'Coro {R1*6/8*2}
\bar "||"
\tempo "piu moto"
f4. ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f f4 f8
\bar "||"
\time 2/4
\key g \major
\tag #'Coro {R1*2/4*5}
\bar "||"
\time 3/4
\key c \major
\tempo "Adagio"
\tempo "Adagio" g4 \f
^\markup{\tiny{\italic{[Tutti]}}} g4 g4
\bar "|."
Glo -- ri -- a Glo -- ri -- a
% Gratias tacet
Qui tol -- lis
%Quoniam tacet
Cum Sanc -- to
\new Staff = Tenore
\new Voice {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenore"
\relative c''{
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\clef "treble"
\key c \major
\time 2/2
^\markup{\tiny{\italic{[Tutti]}}} \f e8 e2
c4. c8 c2
\bar "||"
\time 6/8
\key f \major
\tempo "Andante"
\tag #'Coro {R1*6/8*2}
\bar "||"
\tempo "piu moto"
d4. ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f d4 d8
\bar "||"
\time 2/4
\key g \major
\tag #'Coro {R1*2/4*5}
\bar "||"
\time 3/4
\key c \major
\tempo "Adagio"
e4 ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f e4 e4
\bar "|."
Glo -- ri -- a Glo -- ri -- a
% Gratias
\tag #'Solo {Gra -- ti -- as gra --
ti -- as }
Qui tol -- lis
%Quoniam tacet
Cum Sanc -- to
\new Staff = Basso
\new Voice {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Basso"
\relative c{
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\clef "bass"
\key c \major
\time 2/2
\tempo"Allegro vivace"
^\markup{\italic{\tiny{[Tutti]}}} _\markup{ff} c'8 c2
c,4. c'8 c2
\bar "||"
\time 6/8
\key f \major
\tempo "Andante"
\tag #'Coro {R1*6/8*2}
\bar "||"
\tempo "piu moto"
d,4. ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f d4 d8
\bar "||"
\time 2/4
\key g \major
\tempo "Allegretto"
\tag #'Solo {g8. \fp ^\markup{Solo}
d16 d8 [( h'8) ]
h8. a16 g8 h8
d8 d8 d4
h4 r4
\tag #'CoroS {R1*2/4*5}
\tag #'Coro {R1*2/4*5}
\bar "||"
% 222
\time 3/4
\key c \major
\tempo "Adagio"
c,4 ^\markup{Tut[ti]} \f c4 c4
\bar "|."
Glo -- ri -- a Glo -- ri -- a
% Gratias tacet
Qui tol -- lis
\tag #'Solo {Quo -- ni -- am quo --
ni -- am tu so -- lus sanc -- tus}
Cum Sanc -- to