On 27/01/2023 11:06, Christian Hummer wrote:
> Dear specialits,
> I'm workin on Choir-Parts with Solists. I store the music in single files 
> (e.g. soprano, alto,...). Each of the voices has Solo-Parts while the choir 
> is muted. I want to have
> 1. the choir partes (print only the choir without the solists' parts)
> 2. a paritura for the whole sung parts and the orchestra (print the soli and 
> the choir)
> I have one single source for the singers (solo and choir) marked with 
> \tag#'Solo \tag#'CoroS (as alternative for the choir-parts used for the rests 
> when the solist sings and the choir not) and the \tag#'Coro for the choir 
> parts.
> The idea is as follows:
> 1. choir parts
>     \removeWithTag#'Solo (skip the solists)
>     \keepWithTag#'CoroS (print the rests for the choir while the solits sing)
>     \keepWithTag#'Coro (print the choir parts)
> ***SEEMS TO WORK: choir-parts without solists and multi measure restes
> 2. paritura for all voices (orchestra, solists and choir)
>     \keepWithTag#'Solo  (keep solits
>     \keepWithTag#'Coro (keep choir = tutti)
>     \removeWithTag#'CoroS (skip the alternative rests in the solists' parts)
> ***PROBLEM **** This doesn't print solists' parts, but choir parts without 
> multi measure rests
> I do not see the problem - I tried all combinations. Maybe it's about formal 
> logic...
> Thanks in advance, cheers, Christian
> Here's the minimal example - yes, it's really the minimum in order to 
> simulate the solists' and choir parts with the \tag on the lyrics as well...

This is a misunderstanding about what \keepWithTag does. You seem to think
that something like

  \keepWithTag A \keepWithTag B \removeWithTag C \music

would filter music to keep the tags A and B, and remove the tag C.

It doesn't. \keepWithTag doesn't somehow mark this tag as being kept
but *remove* music tagged with *other* tags. So, if in your music
the \tag commands are \tag A, \tag B or \tag C (rather than more
complicated things like \tag A,B), the first \keepWithTag
removes everything with tags B and C, and the second \keepWithTag
removes everything with tags A and C. The result is no tagged
music at all. Try

\keepWithTag A \keepWithTag B \removeWithTag C { \tag A c'^"A" \tag B c'^"B" 
\tag C c'^"C" c^"untagged" }

As far as I can tell, you want something like

  \keepWithTag Coro,CoroS ...

to keep Coro and CoroS but remove Solo, and

  \keepWithTag Coro,Solo ...

to keep Coro and Solo but remove CoroS.


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