We can only guess at what you possibly mean. Can you please make yourself clear?

If there is a problem with English, perhaps you could write in your own language. Even though this is an English language list, there is sure to be somebody here who will understand. I mean no disrespect here in any way, but you do have to give us a chance to help you.

The list guidelines ask people to provide minimal examples. Maybe if you show examples of what you mean we could figure it out.


On 29/01/2023 7:43 pm, Wim van Dommelen wrote:
I encountered a piece written in so-called "German notation"  and I want to play it 
properly notation (which is "French"

I can do the basic transposes but the key is always interfering and produces 
strange results.

Is there a quick Lilypond recipe to convert this (from "German" to "French" 
written) ?

Wim van Dommelen

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