
Thank you for approving my email - I did subscribe using the website and
confirmed the email (and have logged into my account page successfully)
prior to sending my email to the list. Maybe I was impatient and needed to
wait a day for the account setup to completely process.

Thank you all for catching my silly typo - it frequently takes a second set
of eyes to catch those types of errors.

The reason I was using the ties inside the chord instead of on the chord as
a whole is that, in the piece I am working on, there are frequently chords
where not all notes are tied, so I was trying to be consistent in my coding
pattern for all tied chords.  I may rethink that decision.

Thanks again.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 1:13 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Welcome to this list. I had to approve your message manually
> because you are not subscribed to the list yet. Please fix this
> by subscribing on
> On 31/01/2023 22:04, Steve Carlock wrote:
> > New Lilypond user here.  The following code is not working as I expect:
> >
> >     \version "2.24.0"
> >     \language "english"
> >
> >     \score {
> >       <<
> >       \new Staff {
> >         \key d \major
> >         \time 4/4
> >         \relative c' {
> >           <d~ a'~>1 | <d a'>1 | g~1 | g2 <fs a>2 |
> >         }
> >       }
> >       >>
> >       \layout { }
> >     }
> >
> >
> > I expect to see 4 measures with ties between measures 1 and 2, and then
> 3 and 4.  Instead I am seeing 5 measures with an extra whole note in
> measure 4 tied to measure 3.  (Image attached).
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> The order of elements for a note is
> <pitch> <duration> <articulations>
> In "g~1", you have
> <pitch> <articulation> <duration>
> Thus the "g~" part is understood as a g note that implicitly
> inherits the duration of the previous note, with a tie, and
> the "1" part is the duration of a new note, which inherits
> the pitch of the previous note. You want "g1~" instead.
> By the way, you can simplify
> <d~ a'~>1
> into
> <d a'>1~
> Jean

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