On 04/02/2023 10:26, Jacopo Greco d'Alceo wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I’ve always wondered if it’s possible to write a lilypond score in *absolute 
> time*, just giving almost 2 parameters: note and absolute time in seconds, 
> without the measure boundaries.
> If yes, can you give some exemple? Maybe with Abjad?

I'm sorry, but although it seems to be perfectly clear
for other people, it is not clear to me what you are looking
for. Would you mind elaborating?

Are you looking for a different way of producing the same output
as usual from different input, by entering the absolute position
in seconds of each note in the score instead of entering a sequence
of notes whose durations add up -- in which case you may be looking
for \after or the edition-engraver? Are you looking for producing
different output from the same input, by making the notation
proportional -- in which case you should look at proportional notation
in the manual? Or both? Or something else entirely?

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