On 2023-02-21 21:33, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
Hi Leo;

  Thanks again for your help.

  I have the "\grace s8." now in all three of the voices that do not
have the "\acciaccatura", yet the problem persists.

  I'm not sure how I would insert the "\grace s8." into my \global
variable.  I'm sure that is obvious, but I don't grok it.

  I have attached my current Lilypond source, pdf output from Lilypond
and the original pdf file.


If you look carefully, you will see that it's no longer the clef, but the time signature that's duplicated. The reason is that you have included the time signature setting in your \global variable and that you have included the \global variable into your \piano_dynamics variable, without a matching \grace{s8.}. Since there's no reason to include \global in \piano_dynamics, it's easiest to simply remove it there. Otherwise add \grace {s8.} there as well.


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