Dear me, mailing lists have been around for half as century or more. If people do not understand that it is normal to subscribe to a list to participate there's something wrong. Just reject the posts. That's very standard, and that is why the list software supports that option. Jean you already spend a huge amount of time helping people on the list, the administrivia of dealing with people who can't be bothered to spend a minute to sign up is not worth your time. If you don't make this change you will just be doing this useless task forever.

[Of course the moment I post people will provide proof of lists that do not need joining, but seriously, most lists do. Also, services such as Reddit require registration. It's a very basic concept.]


On 22/02/2023 9:36 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:


I've not been an admin of this list for very long, yet I'm already weary of telling people who post without being subscribed to the list that they should subscribe in order to avoid each of their messages being manually approved.

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