John Whitmore <> writes:

> I'm not even sure that I have the correct terminology for why I'm trying to
> achieve. I've been trying to find info in the bar sections but so far
> haven't found what I'm looking for.
> I'm trying to write out a tune whose first bar is incomplete, whilst the
> piece is in 4/4 the first bar only contains a triplet:
> \tuplet 3/2 { a'8 b' cs'' } |
> There are no rests in the bar it's just that triplet, which would be
> equivalent to a 1/4 note, I think. So that bar is only a quarter the length
> that it should be for the bar check.
> The last bar of the piece is the mirror of that first bar and is only 3/4
> full:
> fs''8 g''  fs'' e'' d''8 r8 |
> Unfortunately the above will fail the first bar check and then rearrange
> all the bars to move the bar breaks making that first bar a complete bar.
> I've tried to remove all the bar checks from the piece and manually add the
> bars with '\bar "|"' But that gives me my manual bars plus where lilypond
> thinks the bars should go.
>             \tuplet 3/2 { a'8 b' cs'' } \bar "|"
>             d''4  fs''8 d''  g'' e'' fs'' e'' \bar "|"
> I end up with alternating bars which are 1/4 full and 3/4 full the whole
> way through the piece.
> Probably missed the section of the manual which I need for this. Any
> direction would be gratefully received.


David Kastrup

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