On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 12:44, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> [Adding back the list]

Oops, thank you!

> Le lundi 12 juin 2023 à 12:23 +0200, Lib Lists a écrit :
> > On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 10:58, Jean Abou Samra 
> > <[j...@abou-samra.fr](mailto:j...@abou-samra.fr)> wrote:
> > Dear Jean, all clear, thank you so much! I was exactly trying to
> > figure out the accidental issue and realised there was a problem
> > there.
> > Thank you for the help with the Scheme/Lily syntax, it's now obvious
> > what was wrong in my attempt.
> >
> >
> > > By the way, \remove'ing Timing_translator sounds a bit... scary, it's a 
> > > kind of
> > > fundamental translator, I don't know if we really support removing it 
> > > entirely.
> > > Also, your method of removing bar lines will still make LilyPond insert 
> > > them.
> > > I think it's better to just use \cadenzaOn.
> >
> >
> > Thank you for the tip. Reading the docs and various online examples I
> > automatically associated removing Timing_translator to a requisite for
> > every polyrhythmic / polymetric music notation, and kept it there (I
> > admit that I don't always accurately understand the meaning of all the
> > lilypond options,  at times I just experiment until it works)
> Basically, for polymeter, you move it from Score level to Staff level.
> Namely, you remove it from Score and you add it to Staff. That is also
> exactly what \enablePolymeter does (it is a relatively recent command,
> which explains why you might still find online examples that move
> Timing_translator explicitly).
> Now I realize that you did in fact have \enablePolymeter, so
> Timing_translator was present in Staff, not completely removed, and
> \remove Timing_translator in Score was simply redundant.
> For unmetered music, I maintain that \cadenzaOn is the easiest solution.
> > > \version "2.25.5"
> > > [...]
> >
> > That's fabulous, thank you!
> > I'm trying to add ottava signs to only some of the pitches (the top
> > staff is the piano's highest note). I changed mus = {\ottava #2
> > \repeat unfold 1 \relative c'''''  { c c c c }}, which obviously prints
> > the ottava on all the pitches.
> > The solution I found is to have multiple map loops,
> > depending on the pitch's need for ottava sign (15, 8, 8b, 15b) and
> > clef. It works, but I'm wondering if there's a
> > smarter solution.
> > Thank you again for your help!
> >
> > mus = {\ottava #2 \repeat unfold 1 \relative c'''''  { c c c c }}
> > musLower = { \repeat unfold 1 \relative c'  { c c c c }}
> > musLowest = { \clef bass \repeat unfold 1 \relative c,  { c c c c }}
> >
> > #(define my-semitone->pitch
> >    (make-semitone->pitch
> >     (music-pitches #{ { c cis d ees e f fis g gis a bes b } #})))
> >
> > \score {
> >   \new StaffGroup  <<
> >     #@(map (lambda (i)
> >              #{
> >                 \new Staff {
> >                   \scaleDurations #(cons 60 i) {
> >                     \transpose c' #(my-semitone->pitch (- (- 60 i))) {
> >                       \mus
> >                     }
> >                   }
> >                 }
> >               #})
> >            (iota 3 60 -1))
> >            #@(map (lambda (i)
> >              #{
> >                 \new Staff {
> >                   \scaleDurations #(cons 63 i) {
> >                     \transpose c' #(my-semitone->pitch (- (- 60 i))) {
> >                       \musLower
> >                     }
> >                   }
> >                 }
> >               #})
> >            (iota 3 60 -1))
> >            #@(map (lambda (i)
> >              #{
> >                 \new Staff {
> >                   \scaleDurations #(cons 66 i) {
> >                     \transpose c' #(my-semitone->pitch (- (- 60 i))) {
> >                       \musLowest
> >                     }
> >                   }
> >                 }
> >               #})
> >            (iota 3 60 -1))
> >   >>
> Sure, use a cond form:
> \version "2.25.5"
> mus = {\repeat unfold 5 \relative c'''''  { c c c c }}
> #(define my-semitone->pitch
>    (make-semitone->pitch
>     (music-pitches #{ { c cis d ees e f fis g gis a bes b } #})))
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \cadenzaOn
>   }
> }
> \new StaffGroup  <<
>   #@(map (lambda (i)
>            #{
>               \new Staff {
>                 \scaleDurations #(cons 60 i) {
>                   \transpose c' #(my-semitone->pitch (- (- 60 i))) {
>                     #(cond
>                       ((<= 55 i 60) #{ \ottava 3 #})
>                       ((<= 51 i 54) #{ \ottava 2 #})
>                       (else #{ #}))
>                     \mus
>                   }
>                 }
>               }
>             #})
>          (iota 10 60 -1))
> >>

Dear Jean, fantastic, thank you so much! And all clear.

Concerning the staff size and page layout, I think I've found
something that is not clear to me from the documentation. When
reducing the staff size to accommodate all the staves in one page, I
noticed that the StaffGroup bracket doesn't become smaller, and
similarly, it doesn't become bigger with a staff size of let's say 30.
See MWE below.  I can solve the issue by defining a paper size big
enough, but I somehow always assumed that set-staff-size was affecting
all the elements in a score (even though it is about the *staff*
I'm wondering if there is a command to actually resize all elements in
a score (with the possibility of excluding for example the header,
page numbers, and so on)?

\version "2.25.5"

\new StaffGroup  <<
  \new Staff {
    c'' c'' c'' c''
  \new Staff {
    c'' c'' c'' c''
\layout {
     #(layout-set-staff-size 9)

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