Le mardi 13 juin 2023 à 11:13 +0200, Valentin Petzel a écrit :

> ```  
> bargrid =
> #(define-music-function (d type mus) (pair? string? ly:music?)
>    (let* ((mus-len (ly:music-length mus))
>           (mus-len (/ (ly:moment-main-numerator mus-len) 
> (ly:moment-main-denominator mus-len)))  
>           (d (/ (car d) (cdr d)))
>           (n (floor (/ mus-len d))))
>      #{
>        <<
>          #mus
>          {
>            $@(apply
>               append
>               (make-list n
>                          (list
>                           (make-music 'SkipEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 
> 0 0 d))
>                           (make-music 'BarEvent 'bar-type type))))
>          }
> ```

Danger: here you are sharing the same SkipEvent and BarEvent music expressions 
n times, without copying. While mutations on those are relatively rare I think, 
they could happen. For example, with \scaleDurations.

If you want to go this route, I think it's easier to just do

\version "2.25.5"

#(set-default-paper-size "a0")
#(set-global-staff-size 15)

mus = { \relative c'''''  \repeat unfold 2 { c c c c }} % modify the \repeat 
unfold value for testing, final version should be 40

#(define my-semitone->pitch
    (music-pitches #{ { c cis d ees e f fis g gis a bes b } #})))

bargrid =
#(define-music-function (d mus) (ly:duration? ly:music?)
   (let* ((mus-len (ly:moment-main (ly:music-length mus)))
          (n (floor (/ mus-len (ly:moment-main (ly:duration-length d))))))
         \repeat unfold #n { s $d \allowBreak }

\new StaffGroup  <<
  #@(map (lambda (i)
              \new Staff {
                \bargrid 1
                  \scaleDurations #(cons 120 i) {
                    \transpose c' #(my-semitone->pitch (- (- 120 i))) {
                        ((<= 108 i 120) #{ \ottava 2 #})
                        ((<= 97 i 107) #{ \ottava 1 #})
                        ((<= 72 i 96) #{ \ottava 0 #})
                        ((<= 48 i 71) #{ \clef bass #})
                        ((<= 33 i 47) #{ \clef bass \ottava -1 #} )
                        (else #{ #}))
         (iota 88 120 -1))

   \layout {
     indent = #0
    \context {
      \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/10)
      \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
      \override SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
      %forbidBreakBetweenBarLines = ##f
    \context {
      \remove Time_signature_engraver
    \context {
      \remove Forbid_line_break_engraver

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