
I am setting a hymn, using the satb.ly template, that has an A1A2B 
structure where there are different lyrics for A1 and A2 and the same 
music. My first attempt is:


\version "2.24"

SopranoMusic = \relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {a' a a a }
AltoMusic = \relative { f' f f f }
TenorMusic = \relative { a a a a }
BassMusic = \relative { f f f f }

VerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
    { Words to verse one }
    \new Lyrics {
      \set associatedVoice = "VerseOne"
      Re -- peat words here

TwoVoicesPerStaff = ##t
\include "satb.ly"


However the repeat lyrics are not where I expect them (they are below 
the staff not below the other lyrics. Given that there are multiple 
verses this is not really going to work.

Can someone tell me the correct way of doing this kind of setting?



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