It works, thank you very much!


Il giorno dom 6 ago 2023 alle ore 18:31 Jean Abou Samra
<> ha scritto:
> Le dimanche 06 août 2023 à 18:21 +0200, Gerardo Ballabio a écrit :
> Hello, is there a way to center note names horizontally around the 
> corresponding note? Since I'm using Italian note names they have different 
> lengths, I believe that centering them would look better. Example below. The 
> space between "sol" and "la" looks particularly awkward (too small).
> This is the default in version 2.25.4 and later. In 2.24, you can do
> \version "2.24.1"
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \NoteNames
>     \override NoteName.X-offset = 
> #ly:self-alignment-interface::aligned-on-x-parent
>     \override NoteName.self-alignment-X = #CENTER
>   }
> }
> <<
> \relative c' { f g a }
> \new NoteNames {
>   \set printNotesLanguage = "italiano"
>   f g a
> }
> >>
> Best,
> Jean

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