On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 02:45:26PM +1100, Laurie Savage wrote:
>    I store my Includes file in a directory ~/Lilypond/includes but
>    Lilypond mode cannot locate them even if I specify a full file name e.g
>    \include
>    "/home/Laurie/Lilypond/includes/jazzchords.ily"
>    I set this in my ~/.emacs file
>    (custom-set-variables
>     '(LilyPond-include-path "/home/laurie/Lilypond/includes")
>     '(LilyPond-lilypond-command "/usr/bin/lilypond"))
>    Still I get errors like this:
>    /home/laurie/Documents/Charts/Transpositions/Dear Old
>    Stockholm/Dear-Old-Stockhom_Traditional.ly:3:10: error: cannot find
>    file: `/home/Laurie/Lilypond/includes/jazzchords.ily'
>    (search path: `/home/laurie/Documents/Charts/Transpositions/Dear Old
>    Stockholm:/usr/share/lilypond/2.25.4/ly:/usr/share/lilypond/2.25.4/ps:/
>    usr/share/lilypond/2.25.4/scm:/usr/share/lilypond/2.25.4/fonts/otf/:/us
>    r/share/lilypond/2.25.4/fonts/svg/:')

I've never used this feature of LilyPond mode, and don't know why it seems not 
to register in the search path.  But I noticed your absolute path in the 
\include starts with "/home/Laurie/" but the search path setting has 
"/home/laurie".  Directory names are case sensitive, and home directories are 
usually lower case, so I suspect "/home/Laurie/" is a typo.


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