Am Fr., 17. Nov. 2023 um 21:33 Uhr schrieb Michael Gerdau <>:
> >>> I will try to create a MWE if that is required to track down the
> >>> problem.
> >>
> >>
> >> A *minimal* example is not strictly required (though helpful), but
> >> *some* example is — otherwise, there is nothing we can do, sorry.
> >
> > Attached is a fairly short example that shows the described behaviour
> > with 2.25.10
> >
> > The problem seems to be created by the code copied from LSR snippet 888.
> > When the \layout{} section is commented out, everything compiles fine.
> > So maybe it's not a lilypond problem but one of LSR snippet 888.
> The attached example from the previous email did have a function
> \paradyn not removed. The attached version does have it removed. Sorry
> for sending the wrong file.
> As an additional finding:
> Not only removing the \layout{} does make the error go away, removing
> the  '\new ChoirStaff <<' with the corresponding '>>' makes the error go
> away as well.
> Not sure what the problem could be.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> --
>   Michael Gerdau       email:
>   GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

The problem is said LSR-snippet. The LSR runs 2.24., though with 2.25.10
(ly:grob-property-data lyric-text-grob 'self-alignment-X)
may return a procedure. The snippet needs to learn how to deal with it.
Fixed in LSR.


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