Thank you for the very prompt response. I had tried popen, but with no luck. I will give it another go.I do not now remember what it originally said, if anything.

[Later] The error I am getting now is:
    Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-duowk0s5/tmpz726e77a/'
Parsing...fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

So, after a bit of faffing around for how to change the TMPDIR in the GUI, I changed my whisker-menu (Ubuntu/xfce4) entry to
    bash -c "TMPDIR=$HOME/src/Music/tmp frescobaldi %F"

Doing just
    TMPDIR=$HOME/src/Music/tmp frescobaldi %F
did not work.

On 15/12/2023 13:25, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
I keep my Lilypond files in a git repository. I would like to interpolate the repo's version number in the Lilypond output by running a command like "git log|head -1". I can  do this from raw Scheme  using the system() function, but this does not seem to work in Lilypond.

How does it fail? It should definitely work. It will just not capture the output. See LSR 567 <> for a snippet that uses |open-pipe*| from |(ice-9 popen)| to achive essentially the same need as yours.

I realise that being able to do so opens up a massive security hole, but that is not a problem here.

LilyPond does not attempt to securely compile the file if it untrusted. (There used to exist a |-dsafe| option, but it was found to be irreparably broken, and got removed.)

In software design, perfection has been reached not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take
away. - After RFC1925

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