Henrik Frisk wrote:
Your suggested solution seems to be the way to do it. I tried it quickly, but 
the NoteColumn #'force-hshift didn't do anything. Now, that may be because I am 
not using the 2.5 yet and i didn't start looking in the manual for a way to 
achieve this in 2.4. I will upgrade and try again and in any event, you have 
pointed me in the right direction, and I am sure i will be able to find out. I 
am still curious to find out why the Voice.Beam #'X-extent and Voice.Beam 
#'extra-offset doesn't have any effect. This was what I tried at first. Anybody 
knows why me and Daniel are unsuccessful in getting the desired effect?

As far as I know, the Voice.Beam #'X-extent property is only used
when LilyPond tries to determine the (horizontal) spacing between
different objects. In other words, the property does not
change the size of the object, it just tells the collision and
spacing handling how large the object should be considered. Same
goes for extra-X-extent. The extra-offset property, on the other
should definitely work (and does so according to the email below).


Daniel Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm.  This is a real puzzler, because even though the Beam object
implements the grob-interface, only certain grob properties have any
effect.  Specifically, I tried the following on a small test file and
they did nothing:

\once \override Voice.Beam #'X-extent = #'(0 . 15)
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-X-extent = #'(0 . 15)

Oddly enough, the following DID have an effect:
\once \override Voice.Beam #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 15)
but of course I can't really imagine any use for this.

Here's an idea:

1. Just beam from the first three notes over to the high G-flat.
2. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem
#'flag-style = #'no-flag, and do a \stemUp.
3. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override NoteColumn
#'force-hshift = #-1.  Adjust this value until the stem is aligned
perfectly with the stem of the note in the right hand.
4. On the D in the left hand, do a \once \override Voice.Stem #'length =
#12 or however long it needs to be to meet up with the beam.

I did my research out of the 2.5 manual, so your mileage may vary; but I
don't think there's anything especially late-breaking about any of the
features I used above.  The noteheads of the eighth-notes in the left &
right hands won't be horizontally aligned, but their stems will meet the
beam in the same place.  Is that acceptable?


Henrik Frisk wrote:

I'm running lilypond 2.4.5 (fink installation) on OSX 10.3.9. Attached to this 
mail is an example. Although this bar works OK the way it is, I would have 
liked to beam it 1/4+1/8 rather than 1/8+1/8+1/8. Either by connecting the 
lower beam of the first 1/8 note group to the stem of the second eighth note 
(from a notation point of view this would be unorthodox since one of the note 
heads would end up on the wrong side of the stem). The other way would be to 
have the beam go below all notes on beat one and two (counting eihgth notes).

Here's the code for the bar:

\time 3/8
ges'''16~[ \revert Beam #'positions ges64 \change Staff=lower f,32. ] \change 
Staff=upper \stemExtend \noFlag ges'8-> \noBeam
\acciaccatura { g32^\pedalc } \change Staff = lower b,,,32 [ \change Staff = 
upper f''~ f16~ ] |

And here are the \noFlag and \stemExtend:

noFlag = \once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #32

...and attached is an image.

This is the first piece I do in LilyPond, so I'm not very experienced yet. 
Tahnks for any help.



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
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