Hi Valentin,

I’m… a bit gobsmacked.

> I think with large projects it is a good idea to establish a nice data flow. 


> Basically your code does different things. For one thing you have musical 
> data, 
> for another thing you have formatting of said data, and then you also have 
> functions and stuff.

Still on the same page with you.

> Depending on your particular needs you can create you own way of specifying 
> data, layouts, stylesheets and such, and the cleaner you can separate these 
> the better you will be able to transparently do complex things.


>> 1. Should I have one output file per score, or use \book? I assume if it’s
>> multiple files, and I want to keep them synchronized, I would want to use
>> make (or similar) to trigger a compilation of all of them at once?
> Depends on what you want.

Okay, I figured as much.  ;)

>> 2. Am I <<>>-ing the \global at the best spot(s)?
> You could also add \global once in a toplevel DevNull

Now *that* is a use of DevNull I’ve never considered (or even seen) before.

> With such small differences it might be useful to notate chords by voices << 
> ... >> instead.

I love this idea!

> Here is a sketch demonstrating a few concepts of how you could specify data 
> and have custom music function make sense of it

Here’s where my gob got smacked. If I understand correctly what you’ve done 
here — and TBH it will still take me a little time and testing to fully get my 
head around exactly how it’s working and the full scope/applicability — this 
approach is exactly the level of abstraction and reuse/adjustability I need.

Thank you so much! I’ll get back to you if I have any questions.


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