I include my code below - this is as far as I got before discovering
the problem.  Jakob, I don't seeing the code will help: if there were a
significant problem with it, then normally Lilypond would report
warnings and errors upon compilation.  But as I said, it reports

And yes, Hans, I was definitely using a capital 'V', and I also tried
other versions such as 'lilypond -l DEBUG Cloud/LilyPond/file.ly', with
the same result every time: nothing gets compiled, and no anomalies are

Here is the file so far:

\version "2.24.1"
\language "english"

\score {
 \relative {
 \time 4/4
 \key d \major
 \partial 8
 d'''8 |
 cs d cs d c d c d |
 b d b d bf d bf d |
 a d a d as d b d |
 c d cs a d2 "|."

On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 17:54 +0100, Jakob Pedersen wrote:
> Hi David,
> It might be beneficial if you would share your lilypond file, or
> shortened version of it, so that the smart folks here can look at it
> and point you in the right direction.
> Best wishes,
> Jakob

On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 19:21 +0100, Hans Aikema wrote:
> David, are you sure you’re using a capital V? Because if you use a
> lower-case V you end up in the —version mode of Lilypond, which will
> indeed output similar output as the usage info printed when you
> invoke lilypond without any argument (though the latter will include
> usage instructions, where lilypond -v will only print the version
> header)
> Extract from lilypond —help:
> -v, --version                    show version number and exit
> -V, --verbose                    be verbose (equivalent to --
> loglevel=DEBUG)

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