I'm having fun trying to get things to print landscape. Okay, I'm doing "monkey see monkey do" programming, but I have two apparently almost identical files, one of which prints landscape, the other portrait.

Even worse, putting the stuff in the paper block seems to be completely ignored. Okay, part of it is confusion between "set-paper-size" and "set-default-paper-size", but at the end of the day, nothing makes sense. I attach two "part" files which are almost identical. Both have set-default-paper-size in the layout block. Both are physically portrait, but Grandioso (the one I'm working on) is fully portrait. Colonel Bogey is on its side, so it's effectively landscape that's been rotated 90 degrees.

Okay, my ideal scenario would be to have the page properly landscape, but I can't even get the music to rotate on the page ... is there anything obviously different and wrong with Grandioso compared to Colonel Bogey?

The other ideal scenario would be to actually understand what's going on :-) I've read the manual https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.25/Documentation/notation/setting-the-paper-size but like most man pages it probably only makes sense once you already understand it ...

(Comment out bookTitleMarkup - I've just redefined/overridden the standard one to give a Brass Band header rather than an orchestral header.)

\version "2.10.2"

\include "english.ly"
%\include "header.ily"
\include "voiceStaff.ily"
\include "voiceTrombone.ily"

\header {
\include "header.ily"
  instrument = \markup \line { "1st Trombone" \tiny \smaller \smaller \musicglyph #"clefs.F" }

%#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
%#(set-global-staff-size 15.87)

\score {
	\new Staff {
		\set Score.skipBars = ##t
				\clef "bass"
					\keepWithTag #'TromI \voiceTrombone
%					\voiceDynamicsI
	\layout {
%		system-system-spacing #'minimum-distance = #0
		system-system-spacing #'padding = #0
%        #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
%		systems-per-page = 6
		page-count = 1
%		#(layout-set-staff-size 5)

\paper {

%  systems-per-page = 6

  \include "../../Include/paper.bookTitleMarkup.ily"

\version "2.10.0"

voiceTimeSig =  {
%  \numericTimeSignature
  \time 6/8
  \key bf \major

  \key bf \major
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*14 } \alternative { { s1*2 } { s1*2 } }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*29 } \alternative { { s1*2 } { s1*2 } }

voiceMarkup =  {
  s2.*8 \bar "||"
  s2.*70 \bar "||"
  s1*16 \bar "||"
  s1*16 \bar "||"
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*14 } \alternative { { s1*2 } { s1*2 } }
  \repeat volta 2 { s1*29 } \alternative { { s1*2 } { s1*2 } }
% mbreak = {}
mbreak = { \break }

voiceTrombone = \transpose c' c' \relative c' {

  r4 f8\ff ef4 d8 | c2. r4 ef8 d4 c8 | bf2. r8 d c bf a g | f4.-> fs-> g-> a-> 
bf4-> r8 r4 r8 ||
  bf,2.->\p ~ bf4. c-> d-> ef-> ~ ef2. | f2.-> ~ f4. g->

\mbreak % 2

  f-> ef-> ~ ef2. | d-> ~ d c-> ~ c |
  bf-> ~ bf ~ bf8\<( b c cs d ef | e f fs g gs a) bf2.\f ~ bf4. c-> d-> ef-> ~ 
ef2. | f-> ~ f4. g4.-> |

\mbreak % 3

  f4.-> ef-> ~ | ef2. d-> ~ d c-> ~ c | bf8( a af g gf f | ff ef d df c cf | bf 

    \tag #'TromI { bf'4. ~ bf2. ~ bf8 r4 bf4.-> ~ bf2. a8\<( fs g gs a bf 
\mbreak b c cs d df ef) }
    \tag #'TromII { df4.-> ~ df2.( d8) r4 df4.-> ~ df2. c8\<( fs g gs a bf 
\mbreak b c cs d df ef) }
  \resetRelativeOctave f'
  f2.->\ff ~ f4. g,-> a->bf-> ~ bf2. c2.-> ~ c4. d-> | c-> bf-> ~ bf2. a-> ~ a 
g-> ~ g | f'8(\> e ef d df c | cf bf a af g gf)\!

\mbreak % 5

  f4 r8
    \tag #'TromI { c'4.( d ef) }
    \tag #'TromII { a'( bf c) }
  \resetRelativeOctave bf,
  bf2.-> ~ bf4. c-> d-> ef-> ~ ef2. f-> f4. g-> f-> ef-> ~ ef2. d-> ~ d c-> ~ c 
bf4-> r8 r4 r8 r4 r8
    \tag #'TromI { ef4.->( \mbreak d8) r4 r4 r8 r4 r8 ef4.->( d8) r4 d4.-> ~ 
d2. }
    \tag #'TromII { a'4->( \mbreak bf8) r4 r r8 af4.-> bf8 r4 af4.-> ~ af2. }
    \tag #'TromI { g4. ~ g4 a8  bf2. ef d4. c f,4. ~ f4 g8 af2. d c4. bf g4. ~ 
g4 a8 bf2. c c4. c }
    \tag #'TromII { ef4. ~ ef4 f8 g2. ef d4. c d,4. d4 ef8 f2. d' c4. bf ef,4. 
~ ef4 f8 g2. c a4. a }

\mbreak 7







\version "2.18.2"

\include "english.ly"
%\include "../../functions.ily"
%\include "header.ly"
\include "voiceStaff.ily"
\include "voiceTromboneI.ily"

\header {
\include "header.ily"
	instrument = "1st Trombone"

%#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
%#(set-global-staff-size 15.87)

\score {
	\new Staff {
		\set Score.skipBars = ##t
			\clef "bass"
	\layout {
  		#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)

\paper {
	  \include "../../Include/paper.bookTitleMarkup.ily"

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