Well I fixed having multiple lilyponds installed, and at first I thought it
worked. Zathura and xpdf at least work when I open them separately. I guess
it's a minor annoyance, but if I open zathura from the C-c C-c part of
emacs, then it doesn't work and I get those errors. I have no clue why that
would make a difference, but it seems to be the case. Open the file in a
viewer separately and point and click works just fine. Use the lilypond
command view and it doesn't. I guess I haven't tried to see if other pdf
viewers work from the command menu, but it seems like it wouldn't be a
zathura problem.

On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 10:44 AM David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>

> On Fri 05 Apr 2024 at 20:43:01 (-0600), Ben Bradshaw wrote:
> > I've been using frescobaldi mostly because I like the point and click
> > functionality. I just discovered today that you can configure that to
> work
> > with other PDF viewers and editors, which I would like to do, since I
> keep
> > trying to use emacs bindings inside frescobaldi....
> > Anyways, I thought that I had everything figured out. But when I try and
> > click I get some stuff showing up in an emacs buffer.
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond-invoke-editor", line 122, in <module>
> >     editor_commands = [list(map(replace_template, cmd)) for cmd in
> > editor_commands]
> >
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >   File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond-invoke-editor", line 122, in <listcomp>
> >     editor_commands = [list(map(replace_template, cmd)) for cmd in
> > editor_commands]
> >                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >   File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond-invoke-editor", line 79, in
> replace_template
> >     return template % {
> >            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > ValueError: unsupported format character ':' (0x3a) at index 25
> >
> > Is this a problem with the program or my config? I'm using arch linux,
> > herbstluftwm window manager (followed the settings for GNOME 3 to get a
> > desktop entry, otherwise it would only launch firefox), zathura as PDF
> > viewer, emacs as LYEDITOR.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can stop doing C-x C-s every
> > time I want to save!
> I'm not sure why you have /usr/local/bin/ occurring in your error
> messages as I don't see any string "local/" on the page:
>   https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/lilypond/files/
> Is there any possibility that you have multiple versions of LP
> installed, and that one version is calling another?
> BTW you can bisect the problem and test lilypond-invoke-editor
> separately at the command line just by typing:
>   $ lilypond-invoke-editor textedit://FFFFFFFF:LL:CC:CC
> FFFFFFFF is a .ly file, LL a line number, CC a column number
> (actual numbers not important), as in:
>   $ lilypond-invoke-editor textedit:///tmp/blue.ly:50:10:10
> Either of:
>   $ type  lilypond-invoke-editor
>   $ which lilypond-invoke-editor
> will tell you which executable is being run. But if your Gnome3
> settings include a path for that executable, you obviously need
> to test it with that path.
> Cheers,
> David.

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