On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>

> [...]
> Alternatively, you can leave the bar and bar number checks in place,
> as you suggest above, but use the tersely documented¹ expect-warning
> feature to silence just these warnings. (check3.ly, attached.) That
> will prevent their spam from obscuring other, significant warnings
> amd errors.

If you go this route, it can become tiresome to write the same warning
several times.  Someone on this list wrote me a little Scheme function that
is like expect-warnings but takes a "number of times" argument:

#(define ly:expect-warning-times (lambda args
   (for-each (lambda _ (apply ly:expect-warning (cdr args)))
             (iota (car args)))))

You might use it like this:

#(ly:expect-warning-times 4 "bar check failed")

Knute Snortum

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