> yeah, I just had the package-manager in gentoo downgrade to the previous
> version of snappy, and then filed a bug with gentoo. It's a workaround for 
> now.
> As another workaround, I'm trying to get my latex editor to use lilypond-book,
> but since it's on a nonstandard path, I don't seem able to use it. How do you
> integrate lilypond-book into a LaTeX toolchain?

lilypond-book isn't called by LaTeX, it's a preprocessor that you first have
to run on a .lytex file to get a .tex file, then you compile that .tex file
with TeX.

Consider lyLuaTeX, which is an alternative that runs inside the TeX process
directly, but requires LuaTeX. You can specify the path to the LilyPond
executable with \usepackage[program=/path/to/bin/lilypond]{lyluatex}.
See https://ctan.org/pkg/lyluatex

With both methods, you will lose point-and-click, though.

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