I am having difficulty with durations and the roman numeral analysis tool 
roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily, which I downloaded from GitHub - 
lyp-packages/roman-numerals: LilyPond typesetter for Roman numeral harmonic 
See the tiny example below.
In this example, I have used beat durations in the analysis section of the 
source code. 
Based on the input, I expect the vi 6 4 to appear beneath the final sixteenth 
note of the second beat of the measure. However, the vi 6 4 appears under the 
first note of the third beat in the measure.
Can anyone please help detect the error that I am making?
Thanks for your help.
Joe Srednicki
\version "2.24.0"\language "english"% Change the following line to the path of 
the roman numeral analysis tool on your computer\include 
global = {  \key ef \major  \time 3/4}
right = \relative c'' {  \global   r4 r2}
leftOne = \relative c'' {  \global \clef treble  r4 g8. af16 f8.\prall e32 f  }
leftTwo = \relative c' {  \global  r4 bf8. c16 af8._\prall g32 af | % 1}
pedal = \relative c {  \global  \clef bass  ef,4 ef' bf | % 1}
analysis = \lyricmode {  \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.6  \offset 
StanzaNumber.X-offset #-3  \set stanza  = \markup{E \flat:}  \skip 4 \markup 
\rN { I }8. \markup \rN { vi 6 4 }16 % 1}
\score {  <<    \new PianoStaff <<      \new Staff = "right" \right      \new 
Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }    >>    \context 
Staff = "pedal"    <<      \context Voice = pedal { << \pedal >> }      \new 
Lyrics \with {      } \lyricsto "pedal" { \analysis }    >>  >>}

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