Le jeu. 2 mai 2024, à 13 h 08, Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Perhaps I'm not getting the need for this command as you could using an empty 
> chord at the end of the repeat to do the same thing:
> {
>   <>(\<
>   \after 2 \>
>   \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>)\!|
> }

The above example would not work if I add another note :

  \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>\f |
  c'1 |

The "empty chord" syntax (which probably has a name? (and is not a
chord in my understanding)) pushes the expression to the next event.

So maybe my example is klonky.

Pierre-Luc Gauthier

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