On 2024-05-21 6:40 am, Jun Tamura wrote:
Could someone give me a pointer for this?
This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m
almost certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not
find it this time.
What you typically do is \tweak the duration-log property of the
notehead you want to change. In the example you provided, begin with
all notes simply as half-notes. The only notehead you need to adjust
will be the low one.
\version "2.25.13"
\clef bass \omit Staff.Clef
\omit Staff.TimeSignature
<\tweak duration-log 2 d, d a>2
<\tweak duration-log 2 d a f'>2
<\tweak duration-log 2 e, c e>2 \fermata
-- Aaron Hill