Timothy Lanfear, May 23, 2024 at 13:19:
> If you already have the music written in concert pitch, use the
> transpose
> function to change displayed pitch.
> \transpose bes, c { \clef treble \key c\major g' }
> If your brass players prefer not to have a key signature, omit the \key
> statement.
> On 23/05/2024 11:10, [1]bobr...@centrum.is wrote:
> Kenneth,
> If you look here:
> [2]https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/
> displaying-pitches#instrument-transpositions
> You will see that '\transposition' tells the MIDI and cue functions
> what's
> going on so that MIDI output and cues in other instruments are correct.
> It
> is still necessary to enter the notes at displayed pitch as shown in the
> example.
> -David

Great, thanks to both of you! Very clarifying. \transposition is, thus,
going in the direction of instrument -> playback, whereas \transpose
goes in the opposite direction, if I understand it correctly.


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