Maybe you could try the call cursor command

vim +"call cursor(%l,%c)" %f

As in David' remarks, you may need to adjust the quoting to get the desired result.

vim +"call cursor(5,3)"

works on the shell command line.

On 03/06/2024 06:24, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear David,
thanks for Your reply.
Unfortunately, none of your suggestions have brought the desired result!

Am Mo., 3. Juni 2024 um 03:19 Uhr schrieb David Wright <>:

    On Sun 02 Jun 2024 at 16:10:56 (+0200), Stefan Thomas wrote:
    > again, I'm trying to activate point and click in gvim. I made a
    > success:
    > I wrote in the editor options of okular:
    > gvim --remote-silent +%l %f +normal! %c
    > When I click on a note, the right document is opened and the
    cursor is
    > placed at the correct line, but not at the correct note in the
    > file.
    > What can I do?

    Perhaps the command you're trying to invoke is, for example:

      gvim --remote-silent +:123:norm45l path-to-file

    using literal constants for line number 123 and column 45.

    Naively, that would mean okular would have something like:

      gvim --remote-silent +:%l:norm%cl %f

    but, not being familiar with okular, I can't tell how it would
    handle %cl (where l means move to the right by %c columns) and
    whether it would need any quoting. For example,

      gvim --remote-silent '+:%l:norm%c l' %f

    might work better.


Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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