
I would like to write a markup function that can either accept a
markup or a markup list as an argument.  The code below works fine,

bar: (#<procedure flat-markup (layout props)>)
baz: 1
bar: ((#<procedure sharp-markup (layout props)>)
      (#<procedure sharp-markup (layout props)>))
baz: 1

as expected.  (The `baz` argument is inserted in the demo code to
avoid interference with LilyPond's special handling of a markup
function's last argument, which can be either a markup or a markup
list, for example, `\bold foo` or `\bold { foo bar }`.)

However, if I activate the commented-out code, LilyPond aborts with

error: syntax error, unexpected MARKUP_FUNCTION
\markup \fooEither 
                   \flat #1

It seems to me that this is a limitation built into LilyPond's parser,
and it is not possible to do what I would like to achieve, probably
due to the above-mentioned special handling of the last argument.  Has
someone more insight?



\version "2.24.0"

#(define-markup-command (foo layout props bar baz)
   (markup? number?)
   (ly:message "bar: ~a" bar)
   (ly:message "baz: ~a" baz)
   (interpret-markup layout props bar))

\markup \foo \flat #1

#(define-markup-command (fooList layout props bar baz)
   (markup-list? number?)
   (ly:message "bar: ~a" bar)
   (ly:message "baz: ~a" baz)
   (interpret-markup layout props (car bar)))

\markup \fooList { \sharp \sharp } #1

% #(define (markup-or-markup-list? x)
%    (or (markup? x) (markup-list? x)))
% #(define-markup-command (fooEither layout props bar baz)
%    (markup-or-markup-list? number?)
%    (ly:message "bar: ~a" bar)
%    (ly:message "baz: ~a" baz)
%    (interpret-markup layout props (if (markup-list? bar) (car bar) bar)))
% \markup \fooEither \flat #1
% \markup \fooEither { \sharp \sharp } #1

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