Paul Scott wrote:

> Daniel Ballenger wrote:
>> Try wordpad.  I don't think notepad cares about \n (newlines).  Thus
>> causing your run-together problem
> WordPad isn't really a text editor.  I don't know how LilyPad is
> related to EditPad (they look about the same) but there are several
> good free text editors.  I use EditPad Lite which knows how to convert
> line termination between DOS and *nix (and Mac).
> Paul Scott

If you have Java installed, you might want to try installing jEdit
( which has plugins that can handle syntax
highlighting etc. for Lilypond.

Microsoft-built editors in general will choke when opening documents
created on Unix-like systems (including Linux & OSX), because the
end-of-line character(s) for Microsoft is CR+LF while Unix uses LF. 
(And to top it off, old Macs used CR.)  Any decent programmer's editor
can gracefully make the conversion between the styles.  Also, if you're
using Lilypond >= 2.5, jEdit can save documents in UTF-8 format, which
lets you include any Unicode character in your files, not just those
accessible from your American or Western European keyboard.


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