I am also using Lilypond on Mac OS X. The Python script is how you run Lilypond in the terminal as well. Open a terminal and type

  lilypond -h

If you get the Lilypond help output, then you're all set to use Lilypond in the terminal with commands from Chapter 5. (If not, see the README instructions for correctly configuring it) For example, to generate a PNG at a resolution of 200, you enter

  lilypond --png --dresolution=200

This should produce a PNG instead of a PDF. There is also an option for PS.

Kris Shaffer

On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 08:25:19 -0400, Brett Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Saturday 20 August 2005 09.24, Brett Duncan wrote:

I'm using the Mac OS X binary of Lilypond (2.6.1) and loving it. But how
do I get the output as something other than PDF? Specifically, I want
PNG, but PS would also be useful. Obviously I can't use the GUI to
achieve this, so I'm assuming (hoping) that there is a way to invoke
Lilypond via the command line in Terminal that will let me specify the
output format I want. Can anyone clear this up for me?
  See chapter 5, 'Running LilyPond'

Sorry, that doesn't help - I'm using the GUI application on Mac OS X, not a version that runs from the command line.

The ReadMe file that came with the installer provides a shell script that uses Python to call Lilypond, and I've been able to use this in conjunction with jEdit, but I don't know how I would modify this script to get different output formats.


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Kris Shaffer
graduate student in music theory, Yale University

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