
I'd like to suggest to all the Mac OS X users here that if they do not
already know the basics of a UNIX shell like what you find when you
open Terminal, that you take some time to find a tutorial on the web
and follow it through.

When you have done a few of the tutorials you will find using the
Terminal is not quite as scary or unfathomable. Most of the problems
that have come up here are because of some basic lack of information
about a Unix command line. You won't be able to do learn this on the
fly while you are also learning lilypond. It will be totally

Try working through the ones at MacDevCenter:


or here at MacObserver: 


A google search for Mac OS X and Terminal tutorial will give you
hundreds of links to choose from. Follow the tutorials through even if
you don't understand where they are headed. Every one I have
encountered showed some aspect of OS X that is relevant to running and
operating OS X.

Terminal and command line may seem difficult at first, but there are
some things that just work better and faster by typing one command
then 5 keystrokes in the GUI. As you  see here, there are more options
available sometimes at the command line level.

Also remember that lilypond is a GNU Linux application and a command
line one at that. All the GUI portions are add-ons.

I will answer a few questions off the list if some of you wish, but
knowing some command line basics is essential eventually to use OS X
effectively and have access to all the applications from UNIX and
Linux that are potentially available.



David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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