Did you try \justify-string or \wordwrap-string?
See the example called markup-word-wrap.ly in the Regression
Test document for version 2.7 to see what the different
word wrapping commands do (though not for Hebrew).


Aaron Mehl wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aaron Mehl wrote:

but actually for each word the letters are in the
correct order but the words themselves go left to
right instead of right to left.

With automatic text reversal, I would expect
         \markup { ONE TWO THREE }
to produce
         ENO OWT EERHT


 which is what it does once I removed the
justification and wordwrapping

But, with a pair of quote-marks added, I would
         \markup { "ONE TWO THREE" }
to produce
         EERHT OWT ENO


In the first case, \markup handles 3 arguments, one
after the other.

In the second case, \markup handles one single

but now why can't I use word wrap and justify?
maybe I need some escape charactor?

Thanks so far,

-- Tom

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