On 25-Aug-05, at 6:33 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Henrik Frisk wrote:
Here's an expanded version of the compound-time.ly example in the Tips and Tricks section. It allows for different combinations of divisions such as 3/16 + 3/8 (provided that smaller divisions than 16ths are not used) and adjusts the spacing accordingly. A second version of the macro allows for compound time signatures such as 3+5/8.
Here's an example and a PS:

cool! I would like this to be added to the tips & tricks. Just a minor stylistic comment, for

I can add it, but there's a few issues...

  (define hmoveDivOne
  (define hmoveDivTwo
  (define hmoveLastCol

we usually use let* , ie

   ((var1 val1)
    (var2 val2)
   ..body.. )

How does let* work?  I mean, how would I modify
  (define hmoveDivOne
   (if (equal? divone "16")

to use let* instead of define?  (simple replacement produced an error)

Henrik, would it be possible to define the time signatures like this
"3" "16" "5" "8" instead of "3" "5" "16" "8" ? I think that 3 16 5 8 is easier
to understand...

In addition, could you use "c16 c8" to show the timing of each bar, instead
of simply s16*13 ?  Finally, including automatic beaming settings
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 5 8) 1 4)
would make this an awesome example of how to control the beamings.

- Graham

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