Here's a short example of a file that produces:

Interpreting music... [6]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [3]
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `'...
programming error: infinity or NaN encountered while converting Real number
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: setting to zero
continuing, cross fingers

in 2.7.8 but not in 2.7.7 on OSX 10.4.2 binary install.

I can't pinpoint it more than this. I have removed three staffs and 
90-something bars all markups and extras. At this point, removing any of these 
bars resolves the issue.

Here's the file (no need to be clairvoyant...):
%%%%%%%%% SNIPPET BEGIN %%%%%%%%%
\version "2.7.8"

upper = \relative c {

  \time 9/8 
  \key c \major
  \tempo 8 = 80
  bis'4\mf bis8 <d es >4.~ <d es >4 <cis es >8 |
  b4 <d fes >8~ <d fes >4 <fes! es >8 |
  \time 6/8
  <b,! cis >4.~ <b cis >4 d8 |
  \time 6/8
      s4. <ais' bis'>4.~ 
      \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 9 8)
      <ais bis'>4.~  <ais bis'>4.
    } \\
      <cis, d>2.~ <cis d>4.~ <cis d>4.
    } \\



\score {
        \context Staff = "upper" << 
%%%%%%%%% SNIPPET END %%%%%%%%%

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