Hello again,
I'm currently typesetting a trio sonata by Locatelli...
In one movement the the two flutes are in 12/8 time while the Continuo part is in Common time.
This is ok I thought I can set the flute parts in tuplets and fake 12/8 time-signature at the beginning... since essentially this is what the composer is doing setting the time signature as 12/8 so the players wouldn't be overwhelmed with triplets everywhere.
But there is a problem with beginning the first note of the system with either a grace note or appoggiatura. I get the first bar with the grace or appogiatura but then there seems to be a restart of the systems and the resest of the music continues.
I get the same problem if change the notes to triplet groups as well i.e. \times 2/3 {       } etc.
Platform: Windows XP
Lilypond Version: 2.7.10
Is this a bug? or Is there something I need to do?
The code is here...
% Created on Thu Sep 29 18:19:46 EST 2005
\version "2.7"
tsMarkup = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0) \number {\center-align { "12" "8" } } }
\header {
\include "english.ly"

staffFlute = \new Staff  {
 \time 4/4
 \set Staff.instrument="Flute"
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="flute"
 \key bf \major
 \clef treble
 \relative c'' {

%bar 1
\appoggiatura d8 \times 8/12 { c8.( b16) c8 g'4 ef8 \appoggiatura d c8.( b16) c8 r8 r af }
%bar 2
\times 8/12 { g4 af'8 g4 f8 ef( d) c r8 r4 }
%bar 3

 \bar "|."
staffFluteII = \new Staff  {
 \time 4/4
 \set Staff.instrument="Flute"
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="flute"
 \key bf \major
 \clef treble
 \relative c'' {
bar 1-2
%bar 3
\times 8/12 { \appoggiatura d8 c8.( b16) c8 g'4 ef8 \appoggiatura d c8.( b16) c8 r8 r af }
 \bar "|."
staffCello = \new Staff  {
 \time 4/4
 \set Staff.instrument="Cello"
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="cello"
 \key bf \major
 \clef bass
 \relative c' {
%bar 1
c4 bf af8 g af c,
%bar 2
b8 a b g c d ef d
%bar 3
c4 bf af8 g af c
 \bar "|."

\score {
 \midi {
 \layout  {
\paper {
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