Mats Bengtsson wrote:

If you temporarily change your setting of transparent from ##t to ##f,
you will realize what happens. Actually, to get rid of the beams, I would
propose to use
|instead of just making the transparent, see "|8.6.2 Setting automatic beam
behavior" for the documentation.  |This also happens to fix your|
|spacing problem.

It does partially, but it also makes the tuplet brackets visible. I got rid of that with \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f , but I don't know if that is such a gracious solution.

Furthermore I tried \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-9 . 9) and that really gave the vertical spacing I wanted.

- If you don't explicitly name contexts (see "|9.1.1 Creating contexts"),
  I recommend to use \new instead of \context. Otherwise you might be
unpleasantly surprised if you for example have more than one Staff context
  in the same score.

I copied the code from an example and didn't realize this. Thanks.

Thanks for the help. You gave me a lot of pointers and today experimenting wasn't as frustrating as before. Kudos to you and this list.


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