I'm having trouble with merge-differently-headed; parts \top & \bottom merge fine, but parts \top & \pedal refuse to merge, printing the noteheads side-by side. I think it may have something to do with the polyphony, but I couldn't find an example of this sort in the documentation.
Thanks for your time,
\version "2.8.0"

#(set-default-paper-size "a4" )
#(set-global-staff-size 20 )

	title = "Recuerdos de la Alhambra"
	composer =  "Francisco T\\'arrega (1852-1909)"
	arranger = "Orfeo Tracio Edition"
	copyright = "Public Domain"

global =
	\time 3/4

top = \relative
		a,32 e'' e e      e, e' e e      c e e e      e, e' e e      b d d d      e, d' d d |

pedal = \relative
		a,2. | a | a | a |

bottom = \relative
	s8 e, c' [e,] b' [e,] |

thescore = \score
		\context Staff = guitar
			\clef "G_8"
			\set Staff.instrument = "Guitar"
			\override Staff.NoteCollision  #'merge-differently-headed = ##t

				\context Voice = "1" { \voiceOne \top }
				\context Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \pedal }
				\context Voice = "4" { \voiceFour \bottom }

			<< \top \\ \pedal >>
			<< \top \\ \bottom >>
			<< \pedal \\ \bottom >>

			%<< \top \\ << \pedal \\ \bottom >> >>
			%\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5)

		ragged-bottom = ##t
		%annotate-spacing = ##t
		between-system-space = 20\mm
		paper-width = 210\mm
		line-width = 180\mm		
		left-margin = 15\mm
		indent = 30\mm
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