The double bar-line followed by a repeat bar-line is significant for many. Every 32-bar song form of the Twentieth Century needs a double bar-line after the 4-bar intro and/or a double bar-line after the 16-bar verse, followed by a 32-bar chorus with repeats and an alternative. The slur on the repeat alternative is similiarly required for every poplular song. Someone must have solved this already. I have to say that this new example is nicely simplified.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Mixed questions


With regard to the questions I posed a few days ago:

- the first question has been solved with \hspace (something I thought I had already tried out, but apparently not correctly). The code now says:
        poet = \markup { \hspace #10 \center-align { "Words by" "MORE OF THAT POET" } }
   without the \hspace, the text falls over the left edge of the paper (is that on purpose, or an oversight of sorts?).

For the other two questions, I have toned down the code:

\version "2.8.1"


        \relative c''
                 { c d e f
                 f e  d c \bar "||" \break
                          \repeat "volta" 2 { c b a c e c d e( }
                                   \alternative {
                                            { fis) g e c }
                                            { d) c b c \bar "|."}


- I'd like a double bar line at the end of bar 2, then a line break, then the repeat-part, starting with its proper bar line. Setting the double bar line cancels the repeat bar line, adding a " \bar "|:" " to bring it back cancels the double bar line in the bar before it. Any way to have both of them?

- the last bar of the repeat before the alternative endings ends with a note with a slur. The slur is finished properly on the first note of the first alternative, but not so in the second alternative. Just adding a ")" does not help, Lilypond complains about not being able to end the slur. \repeatTie gives a very unsatisfactory result, which seems immune to the normal tie-tweaking. Any other way of getting the proper end of the slur?

TIA, and have a nice weekend,


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