Mike Blackstock wrote:
Yes, I'm setting aside some time to upgrade. I haven't done so yet cause
well, 2.4 was the only version I could get to work on this particular
platform I'm using and even then it took a lot of effort. My problems
began some time after we upgraded to Centos 4, a variant of Redhat
Enterprise 4. I certainly don't want to blame Centos; I think someone
really screwed up the Tex fonts here or something and time has not
permitted me to track down the problem. I'm thinking of an upgrade
to fedora core 5 with the Planet CCRMA stuff.
The newer versions of LilyPond are completely decoupled from TeX and
TeX fonts. Try the installation package of 2.8.7 available under "Downloads"
at www.lilypond.org. I would be surprised if it didn't work out of the box.


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