Jean-marc LEGRAND a écrit :
> Hi all !
> Two years have passed, and I'm still wondering if a french translation of 
> Lilypond Docs wouldn't be
> a good thing (well, for french users, I think...). Here's my previous mail on 
> this question, and
> Mat's answer was quite wise (I was just discovering Lilypond)
> :
> Would anyone be ok to translate the docs with me ? I know that lily evolves a 
> lot, and it's a good
> thing ! But if we manage to translate 2.10 docs together (lots of 
> "togethers", actually), I think
> updates can be quite easy if we are numerous enough.
> The fact is this has to be strongly organized, by someone who is in charge of 
> doc, for example ;o)
> So the question is :
> - does any french user is ok to translate the doc ?
> - is a lily author ok to manage a translation team ?
> Sure I have missed major aspects of this question, so don't hesitate to 
> criticize !
> Best regards
> JMarc

I could help for this translation, although I have no clear idea now
about  the technical aspects.

Maintaining the translation is, in my opinion, a major aspect.

Guy DURRIEU  ONERA/TIS/DTIM                tel    (33)
CERT, 2, avenue Edouard Belin  B.P. 4025   fax    (33)
31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 FRANCE              e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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