Wow : my first question should have been : does anything already exists !

Your answer makes me really happy !

I've just suscribed to the french mailing list, and I'm still postulating to 
the translation team !

Just one question : are the two lists linked together ? Or is there a french 
lilyworld and a english
spoken one ?

Anyway, je me lance dans la liste française !

A très bientôt
PS : merci aux personnes qui ont répondu à mon appel !


             John Mandereau                                            
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                  
             21/11/2006 23:28                    Jean-marc LEGRAND <[EMAIL 
                                                 Re: lily doc in french ?

Le mardi 21 novembre 2006 à 16:50 +0100, Jean-marc LEGRAND a écrit :

> Hi all !
> Two years have passed, and I'm still wondering if a french translation of 
> Lilypond Docs wouldn't
> a good thing (well, for french users, I think...). Here's my previous mail on 
> this question, and
> Mat's answer was quite wise (I was just discovering Lilypond)
> :

I hope you've noticed French translation, released together
with LilyPond 2.6 in June 2005.

Don't miss the one-year-old [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list, where
French-speaking users give and get support and discuss translations.
Suscribe to it at
and you'll be welcome to the translation team!

> Would anyone be ok to translate the docs with me ? I know that lily evolves a 
> lot, and it's a good
> thing ! But if we manage to translate 2.10 docs together (lots of 
> "togethers", actually), I think
> updates can be quite easy if we are numerous enough.
> The fact is this has to be strongly organized, by someone who is in charge of 
> doc, for example ;o)

All this won't be a problem, and it's a hot topic!

> - does any french user is ok to translate the doc ?

In fact, the tutorial is already translated, see
That's a draft which will be removed as soon as it is integrated in the
official docs.

> - is a lily author ok to manage a translation team ?

If managing the translation team means telling what should be
translated, managing commits to the git source repository, helping
translators with technical aspects, I am one of the French managers.

More actually, the Translations Big Boss is one of LilyPond authors, Jan
Nieuwenhuizen, who is currently working on integration of translated
docs into the official docs.

So, for any French translation question, please send a email to the
lilypond-user-fr list first; then, if a complex or technical issue that
I can't solve appears, we'll forward the discussion to the appropriate
English-speaking list.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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