On 04/12/06, Eduardo Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello users, does anybody have a Python or Perl script to extract parts from a
.ly file and save them into a different file?

It is not pretty and it doesn't to a great deal of syntax checking but
below is a perl script I've just thrown together which extract the
parts as you require.  It should pick out things like 'soprano' while
ignoring things like '\soprano'.  You should save it in a file called
ly-extract and call it with:

$ ly-extract infile.ly outfile.ly label

where label is soprano, alto, etc.

I don't know how perl works with Windows, but I would guess that you
would need to change the first line in some way.




# ly-extract
# Extract a named section from a lilypond file

use strict;

my($fin,$fout,$label)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
if (!$label) {
 print "Please supply input file, output file and label\n";
 exit 0;

open(FIN,'<',$fin) or die "Cannot find input file";
open(FOUT,'>',$fout) or die "Cannot open output file";


# Find start of the required block
while($notfound and chomp($line=<FIN>)) {
 # This will match:
 #   $label
 #   $label =
 #   $label = {
 #   $label = { <stuff>
 # but it will ignore completely any mistakes, such as
 #   $label {
 #   $label = <stuff>
 if ($line =~ /((?<!\S)$label\s*(?:(=)\s*(?:({)(.*))?)?)$/) {
   $line=$1; # Only use relevant part

# This will now check to see if the opening { has been found

# Keep track of how many parentheses are open
# Counting { and << together
# Badly matched brackets will really mess this up
# Find the rest of the block and write it out to the output file
while ($line and ($notfound or $parcount!=0)) {
 if ($line=~/^(.*)({|}|<<|>>)(.*)/) {
   print FOUT $1;
   if ($2 eq '{' or $2 eq '<<') {
     print FOUT $2;
   } elsif ($2 eq '}' or $2 eq '>>') {
     print FOUT $2;
     if ($parcount < 0) {
       die "Something has gone horribly wrong!";
 } else {
   print FOUT $line;
 if (!$line) {
   print FOUT "\n";

close FIN;
close FOUT;

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