On Sunday 24 December 2006 12:39, Manuel wrote:
> I work with Mac OS X. I don't know what Kwrite is (what is your OS?)
> I have assumed - perhaps erroneously - than for all OS's it was
> possible to just "open a new LilyPond window". I select "new" from
> the "File" menu or press "command-n" and that's it...

I run Linux with KDE. Kwrite is a plain-text editor in KDE. Any plain text 
editor will work, as long as it can save the file as UTF-8 if you have 
anything outside ASCII. I use Ubuntu, which is set up with UTF-8 as default 

In Linux LilyPond is a command-line program which takes the .ly file as an 
argument and outputs the .ps and .pdf files.

> Are you in Niue?

No, it's just the DNS provider that's registered there.


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