Brett Duncan-2 wrote:
> Here's a different idea: instead of specifying the ratio for a tuplet or 
> set of tuplets, what about specifying the duration of a tuplet, and 
> letting LP determine what number appears over the beam?
> For example, where we now use
>     \times 2/3 { a8 b c }
> to get a triplet of three quavers in the time of two, instead have
>     \tuplet 4 { a8 b c }
> LP can calculate the ratio (and hence what should appear over the 
> tuplet) from the time given before the {...} and the cumulative time of 
> the notes inside the {...}.
> This would mean that users do not need to work out the ratio, they just 
> need to know how long the tuplet should last. Further to this idea would 
> be to allow an internal division inside the {...}, so that multiple 
> tuplets could be entered, maybe something like \tuplet 4 { a8 b c ! c4 
> a8 ! b8 c4 }. (I've used  !  only for explaining the idea - I'm NOT 
> advocating it as the desired syntax.)
> This would mean that for the Beethoven snippet in David Fedoruk's post, 
> instead of
> bf16[d, f ef] \times 4/5 {d16[ ef f g a]} \times 8/12 {bf32[a c bf d c 
> bf a g f g ef]}
> you would put
> bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { d16 ef f g a ! bf32a c bf d c bf a g f g ef }
> Just a thought!
> Brett
> -- 
> Brett Duncan
> "Always do right - this will gratify some and astonish the rest."
> Mark Twain
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> lilypond-user mailing list

Given your example of...

bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { d16 ef f g a ! bf32a c bf d c bf a g f g ef }

could be even more intuitive by using only nested brackets with each nested
bracket pair determining a tuplet bracket and note counter, and the
outermost bracket pair encompassing the preceeding duration number, like

bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { { d16 ef f g a } { bf32a c bf d c bf a g f g ef }

Then tuplets can be nested both horizontally and depth-wise with the
graphical brackets automatically generated with the note counter equal to
the number of noted in that bracket pair.  If the user wants a different
number or no number on the tuplet bracket then they can specify a different
value within the bracket pair like this (with 0 meaning no number):

bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { { \tupletNbr 0 d16 ef f g a } { bf32a c bf d c bf
a g f g ef } }

In the above they could eliminate the auto-generated "5" if for some reason
they wanted to.

With this syntax they could also create sub groupings of tuplet brackets:

bf16[d, f ef] \tuplet 4 { { { d16 ef f } { g a } } { bf32a c bf d c bf a g f
g ef } }

The above would generate a parent tuplet with the number "5" and two
sub-tuplets with "3" and "2", followed horizontally by the "12" tuplet.

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