On Linux, the easiest way to get UTF-8 output in xemacs is to simply
start it from a shell where you have specified the locale using
export LANG en_GB.utf-8
(or 'setenv LANG en_GB.utf-8' if you use (t)csh).
Of course, for you living in France, you may want
fr_FR.utf8 instead of en_GB.utf-8. Depending on your Linux
distribution it's probably possible to do some global setting of the
locale using a nice GUI somewhere.

Last time I looked, it was unfortunately not that simple if you want to
use xemacs in Windows, since the unicode support isn't added there
by default. However, ordinary Gnu Emacs has good multilanguage
support both in Linux and Windows.


René Bastian wrote:

I began with lilypond (2.11.12) last sunday (21.01.07) and I also had some
trouble with "accents à la française" and "deutsche Umlaute".

On Linux :
(x)emacs was too difficult (for me) to configure utf-8 output, [xemacs it is the editor whose short cuts I know the best] but it is easy to configure kate in order to obtain utf-8 output.

So I edited, with kate, a file with the needed letters in french and german ;
using (x)emacs I proceed by copy/paste.

"Des wärs fir heit. Tschüüüüss" ..

.. but if someone could explain me how to configure xemacs,
it would be fine.

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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