Fr Gilbert:

I typeset your example as is on version 2.11.13 on a Mac OS X. I got pdf output (in spite of errors) but no midi. Then I moved the close bracket for the \score command from before the \layout to the end of the file. I re-typeset. Got the midi file. And it sounded complete. In the midi section of the manual it says the midi should be inside \score. Maybe that is the issue.

Good luck.

Fred Leason
fredleason at gmail dot com

On Feb 6, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:

OK, I'm gonna try this again ...

A few days ago, I wrote the list asking a question about midi, and saw that my message came out in the digest, but I've got no help about it, so here's my question again:

I'm arranging a hymn for barbershop chorus, and frequently want to check my work to make sure I get the unique barbershop harmonies correct. I was playing the midi file (with simple piano -- instrument is not important). This was working fine until I introduced some 'divisi' voices in the last stanza. Then, all of a sudden the midi file seemed only to contain (or at least, only to play) the lower staff notes. Nothing I do seems to help this -- I can't play the full piece. I've tried with the jEdit LilyPond Tool interface, and with WinAmp -- both sound the same.

When I compile, I get no warnings about anything going wrong, nor do I have any problem with the PDF display. I *would* appreciate faster compile times, but I'm told I need more RAM for that, so I'll settle for fixing my midi ...

I am using LilyPond 2.11.14, jEdit 4.3pre9, LilyPond Tool, and Windoze XP Pro. My file follows my signature. Thanks for your help.

Fr. Gordon Gilbert+

\header {
    filename = " "
    enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
    composer = "Traditional American Melody"
    poet = "words: Rev'd John Newton, 1779"
    arranger = "arr. Gordon Gilbert 2007"
    title = "Amazing Grace"
    subtitle = "Arr. for Barbershop Chorus"
    metre = ""
    meter = \metre
    copyright = "Public Domain"
    style = "Hymn"
    mutopiacomposer = \composer
    maintainer = ""
    maintainerEmail = ""
    lastupdated = "2007/02/04"

\version " 2.11.14"
    #(set-paper-size "letter")

global= {
    \time 3/4
    \key g \major


tenor = \context Voice = "tenor"  \relative c' {
       %\override NoteHead #'color = #grey
    %\override Stem #'color = #grey
    %\override Beam #'color = #grey {
    \partial 4 d4
    b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
    a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
    d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
    a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2
    b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
    a4 b2 d4 d2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
    d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
    a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2
    b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
    a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
    d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
    a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2.
    r2. r r r
     \new Voice = tenorDivisi { \voiceOne
         \transpose g b' {
    r4 r b4 b r4 r d'4 d'4 dis' e'2. c'4 b2. r4
    %     }

lead=\context Voice = "lead"  \relative c'  {
    \override NoteHead #'color = #red
    \override Stem #'color = #red
    \override Beam #'color = #red {
    \partial 4 d4
    g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
    b4 d4.^ "x"( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2
    g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
    b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2
    g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
    b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
    d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. a ^ \markup \italic {"Bridge"} g g f2
    \key b \major
    \transpose g b' {
    d4 \time 4/4
    g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g2. e4 d2.
    d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 d'1 ~ d'2.
    b4 d'2 ~ d'8( b8) d'( b) g2. d4 e2 ~ e8 ( g8) g( e) d2.
    d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g1 ~ g2.
    g4 ^ \markup \italic {"Tag"}
    a ^ \fermata b ^ \fermata c' ^ \fermata
    r8 ^ \fermata d'8 d'1 ~ d' ^ \fermata
    \bar "||"

bari = \context Voice = "bari" \relative c'   {
    \partial 4 d,4
    g2 g4 g2 b4 c2 g4 g2
    a4 b2 b4 cis2 a4 d2( a4 a2)
    g4 g2 g4 d2 g4 c2 a4 g2
    a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2
    g2 g4 d'2 b4 c2 a4 g2
    a4 b2 b4 a2 a4 d2 a4 a2
    g4 b2 b4 d2 b4 c2 a4 g2
    a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2
fis2 ^ \markup \italic {"Bluesy - Baris, go for the 7ths!"} fis4 c'2 b4 bes2 bes4 g2
    a4 b2 b4 g2 g4 d2 a'4 a2
    g4 g2 g4 d2 b'4 c2 a4 g2
    a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2.
    r2. r r r
    \new Voice = bariDivisi { \voiceOne
         \transpose g b' {
        r4 r d d r r g, g,


bass = \context Voice = "bass" \relative c  {
    \partial 4 d4
    g,2 b4 d2 fis4 c2 e4 g2
    fis4 e2 e4 a2 cis,4 d2( e4 fis d) d
    b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2
    fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2
    g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 g2
    fis4 e2 e4 a,2 c4 b2.( a2) d4
    g2 g4 b2 b4 c2 a4 g4( g)
    fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2
    g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 f2
    fis4 e2 e4 a,2 cis4 d2( e4 fis d) d
    b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2
    fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2.
    g2. c, b' fis2
    \key b \major
    \new Voice = bassDivisi { \voiceTwo
    \transpose g b {
    g2. b4 d2. b,4 c2. e4 g2.
    fis4 e2. e4 a,2. cis4 d2.( e4 fis2 d4) d
    b,2. d4 g,2. b,4 c2. e4 g2.
    fis4 e2. e4 d2( e4) fis g2.( c4 g,2.)
    g4 c b, a, r8 g, g,1 ~ g,

accomp=\chordmode {
    r4 g2 g4:/b g2:/d b4:7 c2 c4:6/e g2
    d4:/fis e2.:m a2:9 a4:/cis d2. d2.:7

stanzaa = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "1."
    A -- ma -- zing Grace, how sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me;
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind but now I see.

    \set stanza = "2."
    'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears re -- lieved;
    How pre -- cious did that grace ap -- pear
    The hour I first be -- lieved.

    \set stanza = "3."
    Thro' ma -- ny dan -- gers, toils and snares
    I have al -- rea -- dy come;
    'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.
    Lead us home, Lord!

    \set stanza = "4."
    When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
    Bright shin -- ing as the sun,
    We've no less days to sing God's praise
    Than when we first be -- gun!
    We've on -- ly just be -- gun!!
tenorwords = \lyricmode {
    When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
bariwords = \lyricmode {
    When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
    Bright shi -- ning as the sun
basswords = \lyricmode {

    When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
    Bright shin -- ing as the sun,
    We've no less days to sing God's praise
    Than when we first be -- gun!
\score {
   % \transpose g ees
 \context ChoirStaff <<
          \context ChordNames \accomp
        \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties
       \context Staff ="upper"  { \clef "G" <<
        \new Lyrics \with{ alignAboveContext = "upper" } \lyricsto
"tenorDivisi" \tenorwords

       \lyricsto "lead" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
           %\set stanza = "1."
               \stanzaa }

       \context Staff = "lower"  { \clef "F"<<
       \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "lower" } \lyricsto
"bariDivisi" \bariwords
    \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "lower" } \lyricsto
"bassDivisi" \basswords


        indent = 0.0\pt
        \context {
            \override ChordName  #'style = #'american
            chordChanges = ##t
    \midi {
        \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 2)

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