This might not be much help, but I tried your file on 2.8.6 (which I am
still using) with a rearrangement of the \midi \layout and \score to suit
the 2.8.6 format and it seemed to produce correct pdf and midi, although I
didn't get the tempo right.  Here's the midi file for you to check.

  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Father Gordon Gilbert
  Sent: 06 February 2007 16:56
  Subject: Problems with Midi

  OK, I'm gonna try this again ...

  A few days ago, I wrote the list asking a question about midi,  and saw
that my message came out in the digest, but I've got no help about it, so
here's my question again:

  I'm arranging a hymn for barbershop chorus, and frequently want to check
my work to make sure I get the unique barbershop harmonies correct.  I was
playing the midi file (with simple piano -- instrument is not important).
This was working fine until I introduced some 'divisi' voices in the last
stanza.  Then, all of a sudden the midi file seemed only to contain (or at
least, only to play) the lower staff notes.  Nothing I do seems to help
this -- I can't play the full piece.  I've tried with the jEdit LilyPond
Tool interface, and with WinAmp -- both sound the same.

  When I compile, I get no warnings about anything going wrong, nor do I
have any problem with the PDF display.  I *would* appreciate faster compile
times, but I'm told I need more RAM for that, so I'll settle for fixing my
midi ...

  I am using LilyPond 2.11.14, jEdit 4.3pre9, LilyPond Tool, and Windoze XP
Pro.  My file follows my signature.  Thanks for your help.

  Fr. Gordon Gilbert+

  \header {
      filename = " "
      enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
      composer = "Traditional American Melody"
      poet = "words: Rev'd John Newton, 1779"
      arranger = "arr. Gordon Gilbert 2007"
      title = "Amazing Grace"
      subtitle = "Arr. for Barbershop Chorus"
      metre = ""
      meter = \metre
      copyright = "Public Domain"
      style = "Hymn"
      mutopiacomposer = \composer
      maintainer = ""
      maintainerEmail = ""
      lastupdated = "2007/02/04"

  \version " 2.11.14"
      #(set-paper-size "letter")

  global= {
      \time 3/4
      \key g \major


  tenor = \context Voice = "tenor"  \relative c' {
         %\override NoteHead #'color = #grey
      %\override Stem #'color = #grey
      %\override Beam #'color = #grey {
      \partial 4 d4
      b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
      a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
      d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
      a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2
      b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
      a4 b2 d4 d2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
      d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
      a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2 c4 b2
      b'2 d8 b d2 dis4 e2 c4 b2
      a4 b2 d4 e2 e4 fis2 e4 d2
      d4 b2 d4 d2 b4 c4.( e8 e c) b2
      a4 b2 d4 d cis c b2.
      r2. r r r
       \new Voice = tenorDivisi { \voiceOne
           \transpose g b' {
      r4 r b4 b r4 r d'4 d'4 dis' e'2. c'4 b2. r4
      %     }

  lead=\context Voice = "lead"  \relative c'  {
      \override NoteHead #'color = #red
      \override Stem #'color = #red
      \override Beam #'color = #red {
      \partial 4 d4
      g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
      b4 d4.^ "x"( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2
      g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
      b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. ~ g2
      g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2 e4 d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 d2. ~ d2
      b4 d4.( b8) d( b) g2 d4 e4.( g8) g( e) d2
      d4 g2 b8( g) b2 a4 g2. a ^ \markup \italic {"Bridge"} g g f2
      \key b \major
      \transpose g b' {
      d4 \time 4/4
      g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g2. e4 d2.
      d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 d'1 ~ d'2.
      b4 d'2 ~ d'8( b8) d'( b) g2. d4 e2 ~ e8 ( g8) g( e) d2.
      d4 g2. b8( g) b2. a4 g1 ~ g2.
      g4 ^ \markup \italic {"Tag"}
      a ^ \fermata b ^ \fermata c' ^ \fermata
      r8 ^ \fermata d'8 d'1 ~ d' ^ \fermata
      \bar "||"

  bari = \context Voice = "bari" \relative c'   {
      \partial 4 d,4
      g2 g4 g2 b4 c2 g4 g2
      a4 b2 b4 cis2 a4 d2( a4 a2)
      g4 g2 g4 d2 g4 c2 a4 g2
      a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2
      g2 g4 d'2 b4 c2 a4 g2
      a4 b2 b4 a2 a4 d2 a4 a2
      g4 b2 b4 d2 b4 c2 a4 g2
      a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2. ~ g2
      fis2 ^ \markup \italic {"Bluesy - Baris, go for the 7ths!"} fis4 c'2
b4 bes2 bes4 g2
      a4 b2 b4 g2 g4 d2 a'4 a2
      g4 g2 g4 d2 b'4 c2 a4 g2
      a4 b2 g4 fis4. e8 fis4 g2.
      r2. r r r
      \new Voice = bariDivisi { \voiceOne
           \transpose g b' {
          r4 r d d r r g, g,


  bass = \context Voice = "bass" \relative c  {
      \partial 4 d4
      g,2 b4 d2 fis4 c2 e4 g2
      fis4 e2 e4 a2 cis,4 d2( e4 fis d) d
      b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2
      fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2
      g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 g2
      fis4 e2 e4 a,2 c4 b2.( a2) d4
      g2 g4 b2 b4 c2 a4 g4( g)
      fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2 d4 g2
      g,2 b4 d2 b4 c2 e4 f2
      fis4 e2 e4 a,2 cis4 d2( e4 fis d) d
      b2 d4 g,2 b4 c2 e4 g2
      fis4 e2 e4 d e fis g2.
      g2. c, b' fis2
      \key b \major
      \new Voice = bassDivisi { \voiceTwo
      \transpose g b {
      g2. b4 d2. b,4 c2. e4 g2.
      fis4 e2. e4 a,2. cis4 d2.( e4 fis2 d4) d
      b,2. d4 g,2. b,4 c2. e4 g2.
      fis4 e2. e4 d2( e4) fis g2.( c4 g,2.)
      g4 c b, a, r8 g, g,1 ~ g,

  accomp=\chordmode {
      r4 g2 g4:/b g2:/d b4:7 c2 c4:6/e g2
      d4:/fis e2.:m a2:9 a4:/cis d2. d2.:7

  stanzaa = \lyricmode {
      \set stanza = "1."
      A -- ma -- zing Grace, how sweet the sound
      That saved a wretch like me;
      I once was lost, but now am found,
      Was blind but now I see.

      \set stanza = "2."
      'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
      And grace my fears re -- lieved;
      How pre -- cious did that grace ap -- pear
      The hour I first be -- lieved.

      \set stanza = "3."
      Thro' ma -- ny dan -- gers, toils and snares
      I have al -- rea -- dy come;
      'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
      And grace will lead me home.
      Lead us home, Lord!

      \set stanza = "4."
      When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
      Bright shin -- ing as the sun,
      We've no less days to sing God's praise
      Than when we first be -- gun!
      We've on -- ly just be -- gun!!
  tenorwords = \lyricmode {
      When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
  bariwords = \lyricmode {
      When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
      Bright shi -- ning as the sun
  basswords = \lyricmode {

      When we've been there ten thou -- sand years
      Bright shin -- ing as the sun,
      We've no less days to sing God's praise
      Than when we first be -- gun!
  \score {
     % \transpose g ees
   \context ChoirStaff <<
            \context ChordNames \accomp
          \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties
         \context Staff ="upper"  { \clef "G" <<
          \new Lyrics \with{ alignAboveContext = "upper" } \lyricsto
  "tenorDivisi" \tenorwords

         \lyricsto "lead" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
             %\set stanza = "1."
                 \stanzaa }

         \context Staff = "lower"  { \clef "F"<<
         \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "lower" } \lyricsto
  "bariDivisi" \bariwords
      \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "lower" } \lyricsto
  "bassDivisi" \basswords


          indent = 0.0\pt
          \context {
              \override ChordName  #'style = #'american
              chordChanges = ##t
      \midi {
          \context {
        tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 2)

Attachment: bassmidi.midi
Description: audio/mid

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