Hi, all:

Long answer: we would welcome any patches and developers interested in building *and maintaining* musicXML output (and input).

I'm happy to work on MusicXML stuff when I'm available... that just doesn't happen to be very often, given my commission schedule. =\

a much better solution would be for an interested user to step forward and start coding.

musicXML -> lilypond is currently done as a python script; python is a very nice language and is quite easy to learn.

Why is it not in XSLT?
Even if the performance is worse, it would seem to make more sense from an industry perspective...

lilypond -> musicXML is currently done in scheme; scheme isn't as easy as python, but I don't think you need to learn a lot of it in order to do this.

Are "music streams" completely implemented in the current version of Lilypond? From the discussions I saw, I was under the impression that streams would significantly enhance the interchange-ability of Lilypond code.


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