I need to make some handouts in TeXShop that incorporate Lilypond code, and pretty quickly. And I have not yet been able to get the two to work together. I don't understand what I need to do. Would someone kindly tell me what is wrong with this TeXShop code.

Thanks for your help.

\documentclass [12pt] {report}

\usepackage {times}
\usepackage [dvips] {graphicx}

\begin {document}

\begin {flushright}
My Name
\end {flushright}

\begin {center}

Brahms: Intermezzo In A Major\\
\emph {Op. 118, No. 2}
\end {center}
\begin {lilypond}
\version "2.8.4"
\key a \major << e'4 gis' c'' e'' >>
<< e' g' cis'' >>
<< e' g' d'' >>
<< a' cis'' e'' >>

<< a' c'' f'' a'' >>
<< f' a' c'' dis'' >>
<< dis' fis' a' c'' >>
<< a' c'' e'' >>

<< e'1 gis' b' >>
\bar "||"



\end {document}

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