In a piece I am engraving with lilypond I have an acciaccatura leading to a
chord. The acciaccatura should actually lead to a specific note in that
chord (the highest one in my case).

Do you mean something like that?


\new Staff {
<<\new Voice {\slurDown \acciaccatura b'8
\hideNotes c''4}
\new Voice {< e' g' c''>4 }>>

Yes, i tried something like that but as you can see, the \acciaccatura is very far from the note c''.
It is because the hide note c'' is next to the c'' of  the chord.
So i tried to use :
       \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t
but it didn't success because the c'' of the chord is not seen as a individual entity. It exists perhaps a trick to move the acciaccatura to the right (perhaps not ?), but i think there is a request to do for this problem with grace and chords.
The logic would be :
\acciaccatura b'8 {< e' g' c''>4 }   => \acciaccatura b'8  e'
\acciaccatura b'8 {< g'  e ' c''>4 }   => \acciaccatura b'8  g'
\acciaccatura b'8 {< c'' e' g' >4 }   => \acciaccatura b'8  c'' ...


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